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Google BigQuery on Google App Engine (en)

As of early 2018 support for accessing Google BigQuery in an Google App Engine (Standard Environment) application is pathetically incomplete, misdocumented and an ever changing target. As of Version 0.28.0 the google.cloud.bigquery library saw a major interface overhaul but lost some core functionality.

The library uses the requests/urllib3 stack which has lot’s of problems on App Engine. Even if you get the ominous requests_toolbelt running.

So for example you read here (as of may 2015:

The google-api-python-client library is built on top of the httplib2 library, which is not thread-safe.

But this is a deprecated library. You will be using google-cloud-python-bigquery which recently got a major rewrite and lost some features.


So how to use it? Some tips for 0.31.0 follow.

Avoiding timeouts

Understand that there are different levels of timeouts involved. Timeouts for polling and HTTP-Request-Timeouts. My App was plagued by random HTTP-Request-Timeouts occuring deep within urllib3/contrib/appengine.py.

client.query(sql).result(timeout=50) did not help at all, it ounly incerased the polling timeout.

urlfetch.set_default_fetch_deadline(50) did also not help. I assume because some layer inbetween overrides the default.

What finnaly helped was pulling client = bigquery.Client(project='myproject') out of the function and have the client as a module global variable, instead of reinstantiationg it on every request. I’m very uncomfortable with this becvause I have no Idea, what is actually happening in there.

But this gets the job done.

Getting Pagination to work

Ther is a lot of documentation on howe to use PageIterators, getting a next_page_token and all kind of clerverish stuff to do to pagination or to hide pagination via iterators from the calling code.

So what is the default page size? Not 50 rows or something like that. It seems the default page size is unlimited - so you allways get all results in a single page. Althogh this documentation (as of May 2018) might make you assume otherwise.

After some had scrating you find out that the parameter max_results controls the maximum number of rows per page. So this is not like SQL LIMIT. The parameter would be named more apropiately page_size.

The evil twist is, that some of the high level functions used to access BigQuery query results do not pass the max_results to the lower level functions.

So currently (0.31.0) only monkey-patching allows you to get paginated results from the google-cloud-python-bigquery library.

To make a long story short:

def _monkeypatched_QueryJob_result(self, timeout=None, max_results=None,
                                   page_token=None, start_index=None):
    from google.cloud.bigquery._helpers import DEFAULT_RETRY
    from google.cloud.bigquery.job import QueryJob
    from google.cloud.bigquery.query import _QueryResults

    super(QueryJob, self).result(timeout=timeout)
    if not self._query_results:
        extra_params = {'maxResults': 50, 'timeoutMs'} = 4000
        path = '/projects/{}/queries/{}'.format(self.project, self.job_id)
        resource = self._client._call_api(
            DEFAULT_RETRY, method='GET', path=path, query_params=extra_params)
        self._query_results = _QueryResults.from_api_repr(resource)
    schema = self._query_results.schema
    dest_table = self.destination
    return self._client.list_rows(dest_table, selected_fields=schema,
                                  max_results=max_results, page_token=page_token,

client = bigquery.Client(project='pyproject')
query_job = client.query(sql)
query_job.result = types.MethodType(_monkeypatched_QueryJob_result, query_job)
iterator = query_job.result(timeout=15, max_results=100)
for page in iterator.pages:

Doing the actual pagination

Once you have the page_token things start getting easier. Just get the job and then get the results using the token:

def _monkeypatched_QueryJob_result(self, timeout=None, max_results=None,
	                               page_token=None, start_index=None):
    return self._client.list_rows(dest_table, selected_fields=schema,
    	                          max_results=max_results, page_token=page_token,
if job_id:
    query_job = client.get_job(job_id=job_id)
    query_job = client.query(sql, job_id=job_id, job_config=job_config)
query_job.result = types.MethodType(_monkeypatched_QueryJob_result, query_job)
iterator = query_job.result(timeout=15, page_token=page_token, max_results=max_results)

This whole functionality will probably land some day in App Engine Toolkit 2.